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Webscrape (using rvest) skater and goalie statistics for one team's games this season


scrapeGameStatsByTeam(team, gender = "women")



ECAC team to scrape data for


'women' (default) or 'men'


dataframe of game statistics


#> # A tibble: 29 × 25
#>    Date       Team  Opponent    Home  Won   Loss  Tie   Goals Assists Shots
#>    <date>     <chr> <chr>       <lgl> <lgl> <lgl> <lgl> <int>   <int> <int>
#>  1 2021-10-23 Brown Penn State  TRUE  FALSE FALSE TRUE      2       2    28
#>  2 2021-10-24 Brown Penn State  TRUE  FALSE TRUE  FALSE     2       2    14
#>  3 2021-10-29 Brown Quinnipiac  TRUE  FALSE TRUE  FALSE     3       3    28
#>  4 2021-10-30 Brown Princeton   TRUE  FALSE TRUE  FALSE     2       3    25
#>  5 2021-11-05 Brown Colgate     FALSE FALSE TRUE  FALSE     1       2    12
#>  6 2021-11-06 Brown Cornell     FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE      3       3    17
#>  7 2021-11-09 Brown Connecticut FALSE FALSE TRUE  FALSE     0       0    16
#>  8 2021-11-12 Brown Dartmouth   TRUE  TRUE  FALSE FALSE     1       2    22
#>  9 2021-11-13 Brown Harvard     TRUE  FALSE TRUE  FALSE     2       4    14
#> 10 2021-11-19 Brown Clarkson    FALSE FALSE TRUE  FALSE     1       2    23
#> # … with 19 more rows, and 15 more variables: PenaltyMinutes <int>,
#> #   PowerPlayGoals <int>, PowerPlayOpportunities <int>, PowerPlayPercent <dbl>,
#> #   PowerPlayGoalsAgainst <int>, TimesShortHanded <int>,
#> #   PenaltyKillPercent <dbl>, ShortHandedGoals <int>,
#> #   ShortHandedGoalsAgainst <int>, GoalsAgainst <int>,
#> #   GoalsAgainstAverage <dbl>, Saves <int>, SavePercent <dbl>,
#> #   EmptyNetGoalsAgainst <int>, Attend <int>
scrapeGameStatsByTeam(team="stlawrence", gender="men")
#> # A tibble: 40 × 25
#>    Date       Team       Opponent    Home  Won   Loss  Tie   Goals Assists Shots
#>    <date>     <chr>      <chr>       <lgl> <lgl> <lgl> <lgl> <int>   <int> <int>
#>  1 2021-10-02 Stlawrence Clarkson    FALSE TRUE  FALSE FALSE     3       3    18
#>  2 2021-10-08 Stlawrence Colorado C… FALSE TRUE  FALSE FALSE     2       4    14
#>  3 2021-10-09 Stlawrence Colorado C… FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE      1       2    28
#>  4 2021-10-16 Stlawrence Rochester … FALSE FALSE TRUE  FALSE     1       2    33
#>  5 2021-10-29 Stlawrence Lake Super… FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE      2       4    25
#>  6 2021-10-30 Stlawrence Lake Super… FALSE FALSE TRUE  FALSE     1       2    24
#>  7 2021-11-05 Stlawrence Rensselaer  FALSE TRUE  FALSE FALSE     4       6    29
#>  8 2021-11-06 Stlawrence Union       FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE      2       4    28
#>  9 2021-11-12 Stlawrence Dartmouth   TRUE  FALSE TRUE  FALSE     2       3    32
#> 10 2021-11-13 Stlawrence Harvard     TRUE  FALSE FALSE TRUE      1       2    24
#> # … with 30 more rows, and 15 more variables: PenaltyMinutes <int>,
#> #   PowerPlayGoals <int>, PowerPlayOpportunities <int>, PowerPlayPercent <dbl>,
#> #   PowerPlayGoalsAgainst <int>, TimesShortHanded <int>,
#> #   PenaltyKillPercent <dbl>, ShortHandedGoals <int>,
#> #   ShortHandedGoalsAgainst <int>, GoalsAgainst <int>,
#> #   GoalsAgainstAverage <dbl>, Saves <int>, SavePercent <dbl>,
#> #   EmptyNetGoalsAgainst <int>, Attend <int>