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Webscrape (using rvest) all individual player statistics of a given team for the current season


  games = "all",
  players = "goalies",
  gender = "women"



ECAC team to scrape data for


collecting data for 'all' (default), 'conference', or 'nonconference' games. Currently no support for 'nonconference' games


type of players stats to collect, 'goalies' (default) or 'skaters'


'women' (default) or 'men'


data frame of individual player statistics for one ECAC team


#> # A tibble: 3 × 15
#>     No. Name        Year  Position GamesPlayed GamesStarted Minutes GoalsAgainst
#>   <int> <chr>       <chr> <chr>          <int>        <int> <chr>          <int>
#> 1     1 Grace  Ked… Fr    G                  5            0 27:49              1
#> 2    31 Kaley  Doy… So    G                 23           16 1246:05           44
#> 3    53 Hayley  Kl… Sr    G                 10            8 469:22            39
#> # … with 7 more variables: GoalsAgainstAverage <dbl>, Saves <int>,
#> #   SavePercentage <dbl>, Wins <int>, Losses <int>, Ties <int>,
#> #   WinPercentage <dbl>
scrapeIndivStatsByTeam(team="clarkson", games="conference", players="skaters", gender="men")
#> # A tibble: 26 × 17
#>      No. Name     Year  Position GamesPlayed Goals Assists Points PenaltyMinutes
#>    <int> <chr>    <chr> <chr>          <int> <int>   <int>  <int>          <int>
#>  1     2 Lukas  … Sr    D                 18     2       9     11             10
#>  2     3 Kaelan … So    D                 20     0       3      3              4
#>  3     4 Brian  … Sr    D                 13     2       2      4              2
#>  4     5 Michael… Sr    D                 21     0       3      3             10
#>  5     6 Jack  J… Sr    F                 23     2      19     21             18
#>  6     8 Chris  … Sr    F                 19     1       0      1             10
#>  7     9 Jamie  … Sr    F                 12     2       0      2              4
#>  8    10 Nick  W… Jr    F                 NA    NA      NA      0             NA
#>  9    11 Alex  C… So    F                 23    14      15     29              2
#> 10    12 Caden  … Fr    D                 NA    NA      NA      0             NA
#> # … with 16 more rows, and 8 more variables: PlusMinus <int>,
#> #   PowerPlayGoals <int>, ShortHandedGoals <int>, EmptyNetGoals <int>,
#> #   GameWinningGoals <int>, GameTyingGoals <int>, HatTricks <int>, Shots <int>