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Web scrape (using rvest) team summary statistics for the current ECAC season


scrapeTeamStats(games = "all", gender = "women")



collecting data for 'all' (default), 'conference', or 'nonconference' games. Currently no support for 'nonconference' games


'women' (default) or 'men'


data frame of summary team statistics


#> # A tibble: 12 × 21
#>       Rk Name        GamesPlayed Goals Assists GoalsPerGame Shots PenaltyMinutes
#>    <int> <chr>             <int> <int>   <int>        <dbl> <int>          <int>
#>  1     1 Brown                29    52      80         1.79   616            178
#>  2     2 Clarkson             36   105     167         2.92  1300            221
#>  3     3 Colgate              39   146     251         3.74  1475            310
#>  4     4 Cornell              30    73     117         2.43   795            245
#>  5     5 Dartmouth            29    64      90         2.21   812            193
#>  6     6 Harvard              32   113     169         3.53  1161            249
#>  7     7 Princeton            33    58      99         1.76   978            230
#>  8     8 Quinnipiac           38   117     191         3.08  1262            188
#>  9     9 Rensselaer           32    57      85         1.78   756            242
#> 10    10 St. Lawren…          37    89     135         2.41   930            250
#> 11    11 Union                34    42      73         1.24   801            308
#> 12    12 Yale                 35   122     190         3.49  1197            196
#> # … with 13 more variables: PowerPlayGoals <int>, PowerPlayOpportunities <int>,
#> #   PowerPlayPercent <dbl>, PowerPlayGoalsAgainst <int>,
#> #   TimesShortHanded <int>, PenaltyKillPercent <dbl>, ShortHandedGoals <int>,
#> #   ShortHandedGoalsAgainst <int>, GoalsAgainst <int>,
#> #   GoalsAgainstAverage <dbl>, Saves <int>, SavePercent <dbl>,
#> #   EmptyNetGoalsAgainst <int>
scrapeTeamStats(games="conference", gender="men")
#> # A tibble: 12 × 21
#>       Rk Name        GamesPlayed Goals Assists GoalsPerGame Shots PenaltyMinutes
#>    <int> <chr>             <int> <int>   <int>        <dbl> <int>          <int>
#>  1     1 Brown                22    36      60         1.64   506            236
#>  2     2 Clarkson             23    89     160         3.87   657            196
#>  3     3 Colgate              23    56      99         2.43   692            260
#>  4     4 Cornell              22    73     123         3.32   630            273
#>  5     5 Dartmouth            22    45      77         2.05   459            240
#>  6     6 Harvard              24    77     135         3.21   779            209
#>  7     7 Princeton            22    54      87         2.45   605            191
#>  8     8 Quinnipiac           24    76     129         3.17   801            211
#>  9     9 Rensselaer           22    58      95         2.64   560            208
#> 10    10 St. Lawren…          22    44      74         2      628            218
#> 11    10 Union                22    52      91         2.36   586            162
#> 12    12 Yale                 22    38      61         1.73   527            276
#> # … with 13 more variables: PowerPlayGoals <int>, PowerPlayOpportunities <int>,
#> #   PowerPlayPercent <dbl>, PowerPlayGoalsAgainst <int>,
#> #   TimesShortHanded <int>, PenaltyKillPercent <dbl>, ShortHandedGoals <int>,
#> #   ShortHandedGoalsAgainst <int>, GoalsAgainst <int>,
#> #   GoalsAgainstAverage <dbl>, Saves <int>, SavePercent <dbl>,
#> #   EmptyNetGoalsAgainst <int>